Friday, January 3, 2020

Coal Is A Fossil Fuel - 1705 Words

Coal is a fossil fuel and is the result of altered remains of prehistoric vegetation that originally accumulated in swamps and peat bogs. The material that formed fossil fuels varied greatly over time as each layer was buried. As a result of these variations and the length of time the coal was forming, several types of coal were created. Depending upon its composition, each type of coal burns differently and releases different types of emissions. The first step of coal formation occurs when peat is transformed physically and chemically. This process is known as coalification. During the process of coalification, peat endures a plethora of changes due to bacterial decay, compaction, heat, and time. Peat deposits differ in content from one another and can contain everything from pristine plant parts such as roots, bark, spores, etc. to decayed plants, decay products, and even charcoal if the peat caught fire during accumulation. Coal is formed in anoxic swamp areas with a plethora of vegetation. In such an environment, the accumulation of plant debris exceeds the rate of bacterial decay of the debris. The bacterial decay rate is reduced because the available oxygen in organic-rich water is completely used up by the decaying process. Anaerobic (without oxygen) decay is much slower than aerobic decay. In order for the peat to turn into coal, it is necessary for the peat to be covered by sediment. The peat is compacted and as a result, much water is squeezed out during the firstShow MoreRelatedCoal Is A Fossil Fuel1555 Words   |  7 PagesCoal is a fossil fuel that provides energy to be used for multiple purposes, provides many jobs, and supplies the U.S. with a strong export. People in America are unaware of what coal actually is, what it is used for, and what kind of jobs it supplies in the United States. Carbon gives coal most of its energy. Coal is made from peat, which is material that is formed from plants that have accumulated at the bottom of swampy areas. As peat is buried by sedimentary rock and sandstone, moisture is squeezedRead MoreCoal As A Fossil Fuel1706 Words   |  7 PagesCoal is a fossil fuel and is the result of the altered remains of prehistoric vegetation that originally accumulated in swamps and peat bogs. The material that formed fossil fuels varied greatly over time as each layer was buried. As a result of these variations and the length of time the coal was forming, several types of coal were created. Depending upon its composition, each type of coal burns differently and releases different types of emissions. The first step of coal formation occurs whenRead More The Fossil Fuel Coal Essay1914 Words   |  8 Pages Coal, an amazing fossil fuel Abstract Coal has had a tremendous effect on the world. It produces the most electricity when compared to other fuels. The US generates more than half of their electricity from coal. This black or brownish†black fossil fuel, formed by the energy in plants hundreds of millions of years ago, is made up of mostly carbon, hydrogen, and small traces of other elements like sulfur. Coal has four main types of categories. Mining is the method used to extract coal fromRead MoreCoal Is A Nonrenewable Fossil Fuel766 Words   |  4 Pagespower plants run on the same primary fuel. With that said, I hope you carefully consider my recommendations, as they are essential in maintaining the current and future state of our country. Although using coal as our primary energy resource has minor sociopolitical and scientific complications, the strategies to address these problems and the social, political, scientific, and economic advantages greatly outweigh the setbacks. While coal is a nonrenewable fossil fuel, it will still provide our countryRead MoreFossil Fuels : Oil, Coal And Gas1640 Words   |  7 PagesFossil Fuels: Oil, Coal and Gas Fossil fuels are essential to life on earth as we know it today. Our world would certainly be much different if it weren’t for such seemingly simple things such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These basic elements of life on earth may not seem like a major concern to some people until we put into perspective how they have shaped our world today. Civilizations have been built, economies have risen and crumbled, and even wars have been fought over these precious fossilRead MoreFossil Fuels Coal, Petroleum, And Natural Gas756 Words   |  4 PagesFossil fuels—coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas — are concentrated organic compounds found in the Earth’s crust. They are created from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago in the form of concentrated biomass. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), fossil fuels meet 81 percent of U.S. energy demand. Scattered records of the use of coal date to at least 1100 BC. By the middle Ages, small mining operations began to spread in Europe, where coalRead MoreFossil Fuels ( Oil, Coal, Natural Gas )1743 Words   |  7 Pages Fossil Fuels (Oil, Coal, Natural Gas) Debbie Burrell SCI2000 Gwynedd Mercy University Abstract Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy that were form billions of years ago. The three different types of fossil fuels in the world include: oil, coal and natural gas. Although each of the three types of fossil fuels are extracted differently they are all processed and used as the world’s primary sources of energy. Being the world’s primary sources of energy, fossil fuel experienceRead MoreFossil Fuels : Coal, Oil And Natural Gas1867 Words   |  8 PagesThe three type of major fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. These fossil fuels are considered non-renewable energy because of the length of time it will take for the natural processes to create these resources. It will take millions of years for them to form. Most of our coal was formed about 300 million years ago, when a majority of the earth was covered by steamy swamps. As the plants and the trees died, the remaining of the plants and trees sank to the bottom of the swap which accumulatedRead Mor eTypes Of Fossil Fuels : Coal, Oil And Natural Gas2944 Words   |  12 PagesThere are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs, which is why the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the Carboniferous Period. It was part of the Paleozoic Era. Carboniferous gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal and other fossil fuels. The Carboniferous Period occurred from about 360 to 286 million years ago. At the time, the land was covered withRead MoreThe worlds fossil fuels are running out. With the average amount of time it takes for coal to form1000 Words   |  4 PagesThe worlds fossil fuels are running out. With the average amount of time it takes for coal to form being 300 billion years, the earth can only renew them so fast. Fossil fuels, like coal and oil take the earth billions of years to reproduce so an effective alternate energy source must be explored. Fossil fuels or crude oil has been around for a long time and can be refined to form a number of products such as gas, gasoline, kerosene, gas oil or diesel. We are also running out of oil which is also

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